UN Experts Condemn Attacks on Palestinian Journalists

UN experts* condemned incidents of violence, harassment, intimidation and obstruction of journalists in the occupied West Bank, which have recently escalated under Israel’s sudden military offensive launched on 27 August.…

UN Official Likens Destruction of Gaza to a ‘Horror Film’

Between 17,000 and 18,000 children in Gaza are currently orphaned and without protection said UN Humanitarian Coordinator Muhannad Hadi in a press conference at the United Nations headquarters in Brussels,…

Ruined Lives: 22,500 Injured in Gaza Permanent

At least one quarter or 22 500 of those injured in Gaza by 23 July are estimated to have life-changing injuries that require rehabilitation services now and for years to…

Jordan Polls: Will Islamists Dominate Politics Now?

Islamist made a huge win in Jordan’s  20th parliamentary elections, registering a never-before number of seats the Kingdom’s bicameral legislature. The Kingdom’s Independent Election Commission (IEC), chairman Musa Maaytah, announced…

Are These Children Terrorists?

Israeli warplanes bombarded, Tuesday, Al-Jaouni School, which shelters displaces Palestinians, resulting in a massacre with 18 civilians killed, including children and UN staff members, and many others others injured. This…

When Did This Man Embrace Islam?

Four years ago, a 98-year-old man from Málaga in Spain converted to Islam. He then made headlines. Today people are still talking about him. His conversion was inside the mosque…

Netanyahu: ‘No Fake Probe, You Can’t Run From The ICC’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Justice Minister Yariv Levin have reportedly made an extraordinary request to Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara to open a fake criminal investigation into state leaders.…

Mawasi: Latest Israeli Massacre With US Bombs

 The Israeli army’s horrific massacre of displaced families living in ramshackle tents in a so-called “humanitarian zone” in the southern Gaza Strip is further proof that the international community’s silence…

Military Angle: Ending Hamas After 1 Year Wrong

Military expert Maj-Gen Fayez Al-Duwairi said the Israeli army’s talk about needing another year to eliminate the capabilities of Hamas is inaccurate. He pointed out there is a need to…