‘I hope Benjamin Netanyahu burns in hell…’ Thomas Gould Tells the Irish Dail

Irish MP Thomas Gould speaks at the Dail, the country’s Parliament on Ireland’s recognition of the Palestinian state on 28 May, 2024. His speech was just days before the horrific tent massacre in Rafah in which 45 Palestinians were killed and 249 injured by Israeli planes and labelled as a heinous war crime.

In an emotional tone Mr Gould talked about the massacre whilst shaming Israelis and their Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhu. The speech is slightly edited for brevity.

“…The photographs, the pictures and the videos that come from [Rafah whilst] you hear the screams of people, screaming as the Israeli government burned men, women and children alive….and the world stands by while 15,000 children are being slaughtered, 35,000 men and women and children,” he said in front of the Irish parliament.

“…it’s unbelievable, the genocide that is happening, a child with no hate. A child with no hate. And the Israeli government say it’s a mistake. A mistake,” in reference to the tent massacre in Rafah …he added.

“I hope Benjamin Netanyahu burns in hell…” for these children and their families. “I hope, him and his generals and the Pharoah government in Israel that when, Dear God finally brings him to the resting place, that he put to deserve to burn in hell,” he pointed out in a voice that was cracking and emotional.

“Because what is happening now, not alone is it apartheid, not alone is it atrocity and war crime. It’s just horrific. It’s just horrific what they [the Israelis] are doing. Where is their soul. Where is the soul of the Israeli people that allows their government to do this to children. Where is their humanity?

The Israeli people, the Jewish people, after everything the Jewish people have suffered down over the decades [and] to do this to other human beings, human beings.

But in the eyes of Netanyahu and this far right Israeli government, Palestinians are [not] human beings. But today here, the Irish people say, we recognize Palestine, we recognize they are human beings just like every one of us.

Shame on Israel, Shame on what you’ve done and it will never be forgotten.”  

Dr Marwan Asmar is based in Amman, Jordan, and covers Middle East Affairs

  • CrossFireArabia


    Dr. Marwan Asmar holds a PhD from Leeds University and is a freelance writer specializing on the Middle East. He has worked as a journalist since the early 1990s in Jordan and the Gulf countries, and been widely published, including at Albawaba, Gulf News, Al Ghad, World Press Review and others.

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