Palestinian Resistance Kill 4 Israeli Soldiers in Rafah Ambush

Four Israeli soldiers were killed in an ambush set up by the resistance in the south of the Gaza Strip. Also the resistance also carried out a qualitative operation against…

Sniper’s Rifle Remains Axiom on Gaza’s Battlefield

Military expert Colonel Hatem Al-Falahi believes the axes of Al-Zeitoun neighborhood (southeast of Gaza City) and Tal Al-Hawa (southwest of Gaza City) are continually active with Palestinian groups putting up…

Suicide Bombs Return to Tel Aviv After 18 Years

The first suicide bomb exploded in Tel Aviv, Sunday night causing mass damage as revealed by different media sources. This is the first suicide exoplosion in the heart of the…

Maj-Gen Al-Duwairi: Tal Al Hawa Hard For Israel

The battle is raging in Tal Al-Hawa, southwest of Gaza City, and the fighting there is no less fierce than what is happening in the east of the city, referring…