Over 11,000 Students Killed in Gaza Since 7 October   

The Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Education and Higher Education stated 11,001 students were martyred and 17,772 were injured since the beginning of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and…

UN Official Likens Destruction of Gaza to a ‘Horror Film’

Between 17,000 and 18,000 children in Gaza are currently orphaned and without protection said UN Humanitarian Coordinator Muhannad Hadi in a press conference at the United Nations headquarters in Brussels,…

Gaza Schools ‘Vanish Into Thin Air’

The Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) Philippe Lazzarini said that more than 70% of the agency’s schools in Gaza have been destroyed or…

UN Marks Deadliest Year For Aid Workers

Aid workers on the frontlines of the world’s conflicts are being killed in unprecedented numbers, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said as it marked World…

Gaza: A Children’s Graveyard

In a recent statement, the UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini revealed that the number of children killed by Israel in Gaza in just over four months surpasses the total number of…

Israel Bombs Schools to Force People Out of Gaza

The Israeli army is increasingly targeting schools that provide shelter for the displaced population in Gaza City, killing and wounding hundreds of them in the process. It has also issued…

Israel: Making Gaza Uninhabitable

After more than 300 days of war, over 15,000 children have been reported killed. Nowhere is safe in Gaza. Ground incursions and heavy fighting persist with 86% of Gaza’s areas…

Ruining Lives With No Evidence

Last January, The Wall Street Journal reported that 12 UNRWA staffers were involved in the 7 October operation, and 10% of its 12,000 Gaza employees had ties to militant groups.…

Israel Makes Gaza Battleground of Infectious Disease

The Israeli authorities continue to enforce their ongoing arbitrary blockade of the Gaza Strip, refusing to allow humanitarian aid and necessities that are essential for survival—such as cleaning and personal…

Israel Commits School Massacre While World Watches

“We are appalled at yet another deadly massacre at a school in central Gaza where desperate families have been ordered to shelter,” stated the Islamic Relief organization, Sunday. Reports indicate…