Israeli Soldiers Beg to Exit The Gaza Quagmire

Major-General Fayez Al-Duwairi said the letter of dozens of reserve officers in the Israeli occupation army to their Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, is a sobering reality of what these soldiers are going through in the hard fields of Gaza.

The strategic expert explained – in his Gaza military analysis – the one fighting in battle is the most honest because he is directly on the ground, noting the words of Israeli politicians cannot be taken seriously because they are seeking to exploit the war for their political goals.

He said the concept of victory in asymmetric warfare is completely different from that of the traditional one “if the weak party can continue fighting and survive, it is victorious, while the strong party is considered a loser if it does not win.”

Zero distance

The Al-Qassam Brigades – the Hamas military wing – and the rest of the factions are still fighting. Videos of the resistance in various combat zones, prove that the occupation army remains fearful of fighting from zero distance he said in his daily analysis on Al Jazeera.

Al-Duwairi stressed the army has suffered great losses in the strategic context that will require years to compensate for. In this war it has lost its superiority, has not be able to win this “conservative war”, undermined its deterrence and failed in its ability to work on the home front.

The expert added the statements of Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant in which he hoped the circle of war would not expand are a result of what the occupation officers soldiers about the tough time they have been having in Gaza whilst recalling statements by the Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari admitting that eliminating Hamas is like throwing dust in the eyes.

Al-Duwairi concluded the message of the officers is “stop swimming against the tide and recognize the reality, which is our inability to resolve the war with our weakest of regional enemies and end it, and talk of victory is not convincing and cannot be achieved.”

Out of reach

Dozens of reserve officers in the occupation army sent a message to Halevi in ​​which they confirmed that achieving victory in Gaza is still out of reach. They stated: “We, who came from the battlefield know well that the situation is still far from achieving victory,” as reported by Israeli Channel 14.

The officers, who spent 200 days of reserve service in Gaza, stressed “the enemy still has cross-border capabilities, drones, explosive drones, mortar shells, a huge tunnel infrastructure and many living terrorists ready to continue fighting against us,” as they described it, according to Jo24.



Dr. Marwan Asmar holds a PhD from Leeds University and is a freelance writer specializing on the Middle East. He has worked as a journalist since the early 1990s in Jordan and the Gulf countries, and been widely published, including at Albawaba, Gulf News, Al Ghad, World Press Review and others.

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