Israeli Army Sinks in The Mud of Gaza – Maariv

Israeli army is on the verge of “sinking in the mud of Gaza,” the Israeli daily Maariv reported Thursday. “In this black August, some 15 Israeli soldiers were killed in…

Israel Economy Dives as 46,000 Firms Close

About 46,000 Israeli companies closed down since the war began on 7 October, 2023, with expectations the number will rise to 60,000 firms by the end of 2024 according to…

Israeli Maariv: There is no Alternative to Hamas in Gaza

Any alternative to the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) is not realistic, as it has sovereignty and rule over the Gaza Strip, Israeli daily newspaper Maariv wrote about  Israel’s options for…

Hamas Puts 500 Israeli Armored Vehicles Out

Over 500 Israel armored vehicles have been damaged in the war on Gaza ever since 7 October, 2023 according to a report in the Jewish daily Maariv. It reports a…