Ilan Pappé is an Israeli historian and a political scientist and now is a lecturer at the University of Exeter in the UK. In 2008 he left Israel after receiving death threats about his view on the Palestinian question as member of “Israel’s New Historians” which questioned the official narrative that Palestinians left of their own free will in 1948. He says on the contrary, there was a systematic attempt by Israeli leaders to drive them out of their lands. Subsequently more than 750,000 Palestinians were forced out and made into refugees.
In the following short videoclip he offers a sussinct view of US foreign policy and how American foreign policy from at least Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama and now Joe Biden with their “tunnel-support” permanent pro-Israel.
“…So when people say why does Biden so automatically supports Israel he knows the rules, he knows what happened to anyone who even dare to slightly, like Obama, or Carter, anyone who slightly challenged. What happened to them?,” Pappé said.
“You read Obama’s Memour’s, you can see how he said ‘I suddenly understood any word I am saying on Israel can bring down [the US] Congress.
Pappé said Obama admitted when he commented “I could not be loyal to my basic instinct which is to be pro-Palestinians. Because I wouldn’t be a president.”