Hezbollah Deputy Secretary-General Naim Qassem said that the party is still strong despite the severe blows it suffered. He added it regained its wellbeing in the field and its capabilities, stressing the party set upon, a week ago, to implement a “new equation” to “hurt the enemy.”
He added, his 3rd speech since the assassination Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, the resistance’s missiles reached Tel Aviv, disabled Ben Gurion Airport, and forced two million Israelis to take shelters.
He pointed out the party can target any point in the “Israeli entity” and will choose the appropriate point according to his expression.
He stressed that what the resistance achieved in the field in two weeks was better than expected, and its main mission remains to “pursue the enemy and carry out operations against it in any place it enters.”
He also sent a message to the Israeli home front, stressing the only solution is for a ceasefire, adding, “I say to Israelis, do not believe what your officials tell you but look at your dead in the war.”
He stated Hezbollah called for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip to stop firing on Israel. This solution is an expression of “a position of weakness”, but if the Israelis do not want this, we will continue.”
He pointed out that after the ceasefire “according to an indirect agreement”, Israeli settlers will be able to return to the north and other steps will be determined after that, the nature of which he did not specify.
However, he warned if the war continues, “the uninhabited settlements in the north will increase and more than two million Israelis will be in danger.”
Al-Aqsa Flood
Qassem pointed out, in his speech, that the “Al-Aqsa Flood” attack came after 75 years of occupation and is a “legitimate right” for the Palestinians.
He added, “the Palestinians have the right for such action to expel the occupation, shakes its presence and prevent it from continuing,” stressing “our support for the Palestinians is support for their right because they are the owners of the right, and must repel the danger from them and prevent the expansion of Israel.”
He also reiterated “Israel is an occupying usurping entity that poses a danger to the region and the world.”
He added, “Israel and those behind it are fighting and committing massacres, and we are in a situation that requires us to take a position,” noting that neither Lebanon nor the entire region can be separated from Palestine.
Expansionist Project
Qassem also stressed that Lebanon falls within an “Israeli expansionist project,” warning that Lebanon and the entire region “are facing the danger of a new Middle East designed in Israeli-American form.”
He added that Israel’s project in the region is “destructive and aim to eliminate the resistance and its people,” and that the world, Britain, France, and America are complicit with this “Israeli criminality.”
Resistance and Iran
Qassem stressed Iran supports the Palestinians in order to liberate Palestine, and this support is “a source of pride for Iran, which is exerting all its capabilities to strengthen and empower the Palestinians.”
He also mentioned that resistance to Israel is “legitimate and defensive” and its goal is to reject the occupation and liberate the land.
He added, “I say to the Mujahideen, you are the hope, so continue fighting and our confidence in you is great.”
A message to the Lebanese
Qassem stressed that the “Lebanese national solidarity” with the resistance is essential and that Hezbollah will remain despite its haters.
He added, “I say to the Lebanese, we must be patient to achieve victory and I promise you to return to your homes that will be rebuilt.. We will not leave you and you will not leave us and everyone will see the resistance with its great people.”
He also stressed that those who cause harm to Lebanon “are not those who defend people but those who kill them,” recalling that the Israeli occupation remained in Lebanon for 22 years and only left through resistance according to Al Jazeera.