Hezbollah Drone Explodes Next to Netanyahu’s Residence
Israeli security services and army are on high alert, Saturday morning, watching for incoming missiles and drones from southern Lebanon.
One drone apparently exploded in a building near the private residence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Ceasarea, southern Haifa.
The Israeli army admitted the attack took place but didn’t go into detail. The drone was part of three, two were intercepted but the third travelled to its target it was reported.
The Israeli media is presently covering this unprecedented drone attack thought to be targeting the private residence of the Israeli prime minister. His office wouldn’t confirm if he was in the building at the time or not and keeping everyone guessing.
Despite the coverage of the potentially-deadly event, locally and internationally with news websites and the social media reporting, there is a complete media blackout and censorship by Israeli official sources.
The Israeli army is baffled by the fact that the drones travelled 70 kilometers from Lebanon into Israeli airspace, that is supposedly carefully monitored, and honed in at the building in Ceasarea.
The north of Israel has become a battleground of missiles and rockets fired from Hezbollah after Tel Aviv began bombing southern Lebanon and Beirut’s southern district after 23 September.
Sir, Do You Have a ‘Baby-killing Technology?’
Video shows a Palestine solidarity protester confronting Israeli weapons companies at a military convention, asking for ‘baby-killing technology.’ Israel’s war on Gaza has killed more than 17,000 Palestinian children
The video clip is trending….
A blogger reposts: A man asking about ‘baby–killing technology‘ from another man. ‘Baby–killing‘. Don’t you think that sounds cringe? Of course the arms dealers got upset. No one would ever say something like that with a clean mind.
The video, which was released Wednesday, shows Palestine News Network founder Abu Rahs attending a defense expo in Washington, where he confronted Israeli arms dealers in an unconventional act of protest.