No Medicines Lead to Death

Palestinian journalist Fadi Al-Wahidi, who was shot and injured by the Israeli occupation, has fallen into a coma due to the deterioration of his health caused by the ongoing Israeli siege of northern Gaza, which prevents the entry of necessary medical supplies and his treatment abroad.

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Al Jazeera Journalist Falls Into a Coma

Palestinian journalist Anas Al-Sharif describes the health condition of journalist Fadi Al-Wahidi, who was shot and injured by Israeli occupation forces in Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza Strip.

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Netanyahu’s War Crimes Will Haunt Him

Media personality Ahmed Mansour says in plain speaking:

“Netanyahu believes that the false pride in the war crimes he is committing in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon will bring security to Israel.

This is a deceptive illusion and a pipe dream. Israel is an occupying state, and its army, despite its crimes, it is experiencing an unprecedented psychological defeat and military collapse.

If it weren’t for the mercenaries and allied soldiers, Netanyahu would have raised the flag of surrender year ago #فلسطين #غزه_تباد_وتحرق #غزة_تُباد

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