Israel no Longer Controls The Cards – Military Expert

Military expert Dr. Nidal Abu Zeid said Washington trusts what Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant says rather than the utterings of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Because of this, it will…

Jordan Polls: Will Islamists Dominate Politics Now?

Islamist made a huge win in Jordan’s  20th parliamentary elections, registering a never-before number of seats the Kingdom’s bicameral legislature. The Kingdom’s Independent Election Commission (IEC), chairman Musa Maaytah, announced…

Mawasi: Latest Israeli Massacre With US Bombs

 The Israeli army’s horrific massacre of displaced families living in ramshackle tents in a so-called “humanitarian zone” in the southern Gaza Strip is further proof that the international community’s silence…

Military Angle: Ending Hamas After 1 Year Wrong

Military expert Maj-Gen Fayez Al-Duwairi said the Israeli army’s talk about needing another year to eliminate the capabilities of Hamas is inaccurate. He pointed out there is a need to…

Israel Attacks 16 School Shelters in One Month

Israel has escalated its systematic policy of targeting—without warning—schools functioning as shelters for forcibly displaced civilians in the Gaza Strip, killing and wounding hundreds of them. This policy is part…

Israel’s Two Flawed Plans For Gaza

Military analyst Colonel Hatem Karim Al-Falahi said the appointment of an military governor for the Gaza Strip shows the Israeli army is bent on a new stage of escalation in…

Using Philadelphi to Block Hostages Deal

Where do we go from here? Many people, including those in Israel are deeply frustrated with the prolonged war on Gaza because of the stubbornness of one man who for…

Israeli Army: No Deal Puts Hostages’ Lives in Great Danger

The Israeli army warned the Benjamin Netanyahu government that without reaching an agreement with Hamas, any large-scale military operation in Gaza would endanger the lives of the Israeli hostages, Hebrew…

Sniper’s Rifle Remains Axiom on Gaza’s Battlefield

Military expert Colonel Hatem Al-Falahi believes the axes of Al-Zeitoun neighborhood (southeast of Gaza City) and Tal Al-Hawa (southwest of Gaza City) are continually active with Palestinian groups putting up…

Palestinians: Down But By No Means Beaten!

Palestinian analysts confirm the military operation launched by the Israeli occupation on the camps in the northern occupied West Bank – “Summer Camps” – aim to eradicate the resistance through…