Jordan Polls: Will Islamists Dominate Politics Now?

Islamist made a huge win in Jordan’s  20th parliamentary elections, registering a never-before number of seats the Kingdom’s bicameral legislature.

The Kingdom’s Independent Election Commission (IEC), chairman Musa Maaytah, announced that the Islamic Action Front, which is the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, won a massive 31 seats to the Lower House in the latest parliamentary elections held, Tuesday, including four women.

The party is elated to have so many members in a reformed Lower whose total seats today stands at 138 including 18 quota seats allocated to women and who won nine extra seats outside the quota hiking up their total 27.

“We thank our great Jordanian people who gave us this precious trust with nearly half a million electoral votes for the national list, in addition to the local lists. In this context, we affirm that the first winner today is the homeland and the advanced results we have achieved will enhance the strength, resilience and stability of our state. The supreme national interests have always been in our sights and are the focus of our attention,” an IAF party statement emphasized.

“We affirm our firm approach in seeking to serve our people, defend their causes, bear the concerns of its citizens, strive to achieve their hopes, and remain steadfast in our choice to support the Palestinian resistance, which constitutes the first line of defense for Jordan in the face of Zionist ambitions and displacement and alternative homeland plans,” it tolds Quds Press.

The current parliamentary elections were held under a new electoral law, which increased the number of members of the House from 130 to 138, 41 of whom were allocated to political parties.

The elected Lower House is part of Jordan’s bicameral parliament that includes a Senate of 69 members appointed by King Abdullah. Parliament can withdraw confidence from the government, pass laws, and issue legislation.

105 party members

This is the first elections in Jordan to be fought along party lines. Maaytah said the 105 party members won seats in this elections according to the Jordan Times. He added their win represents 75 percents of the total seats.

He added that Al Mithaq Party won 21 seats, Irada Party 19 seats and the Taqadum Party clenched eight seats.  

According to the IEC the overall voter turn out was 32.25 percent with 1,638,348 million out of an eligible electorates of 5,115,219, who cast their votes in the elections.

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Mawasi: Latest Israeli Massacre With US Bombs

 The Israeli army’s horrific massacre of displaced families living in ramshackle tents in a so-called “humanitarian zone” in the southern Gaza Strip is further proof that the international community’s silence during the 11-month genocide is encouraging Israel to carry out its crimes.

The latest mass killing fuelled by the international community’s refusal to act occurred in the Strip’s al-Mawasi Khan Yunis area, which the Israeli army had designated a “safe zone”. Initial investigations conducted by Euro-Med Monitor reveal that on Tuesday 10 September, after midnight, Israeli warplanes dropped three American-made MK-84 bombs on a group of displaced people sleeping in their tents in the Mawasi area. The explosions created three holes several metres deep and in diameter, burying about 20 tents with the families still inside. 

Israel’s use of multiple highly destructive bombs on a densely populated area full of displaced people—and its consequent killing of sleeping civilians—is unjustifiable, whether or not its claims of the presence of armed factions in the area are accurate.

Since the displaced people’s tents were situated in a region with sandy dunes, many of them—including tents with entire families inside—were buried beneath the sand. The initial casualty toll, counting both the dead and the wounded, is over 60.

The Israeli army’s intention to kill the greatest number of Palestinian civilians possible is evident in its use of American bombs with a wide destructive capacity in an area full of tents housing displaced people. It should be noted that no evacuation warnings were issued prior to the bombing.

This massacre comes only one month after Israeli forces bombed Gaza City’s Al-Tabi’in School, killing over a hundred Palestinians.

Israel remains bound by the regulations of international humanitarian law, particularly the requirements to protect civilians and adhere to the principles of distinction, proportionality, and military necessity, i.e. to take necessary precautions. This involves deciding how military operations are to be conducted and what kind of weaponry is to be employed in order to reduce the number of civilian casualties.

The shameful silence and indifference surrounding these unprecedented massacres, which blatantly and repeatedly target civilians with the clear intention of exterminating Palestinians in large numbers, serves as a green light for Israel to continue committing such atrocities.

The United States is complicit in this individual crime, as well as in Israel’s genocide of Palestinians, because it continues to supply Israel with weapons, despite knowing that the Israeli army uses these massively destructive weapons to regularly kill hundreds of civilians.

Israel’s bombing strategy reveals a deliberate policy to target Palestinian civilians across the entire Gaza Strip; spread fear among them; deny them stability or shelter, even for brief periods of time; force them to repeatedly relocate to new shelters; subject them to life-threatening conditions; and ultimately destroy them. The bombing continues throughout the entire Strip, with Israel targeting places designated as humanitarian areas, mainly shelter centres, including those set up in UNRWA-run schools.

Civilians in the Gaza Strip are paying the price every day for Israeli military attacks that seriously violate the rules of international humanitarian law, especially the principles of distinction, proportionality and military necessity.

As part of their international obligations, all nations must put an end to Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip; safeguard civilians there; ensure that Israel abides by international law and the rulings of the International Court of Justice; and impose effective sanctions on Israel by halting all forms of military, financial, and political cooperation and support. This includes an immediate stop to all arms sales, exports, and transfers to Israel, including export licences and military aid.

All nations that cooperate with Israel in committing crimes by providing it with any kind of direct support or assistance must be held accountable, most notably the United States. Giving aid and engaging in contractual agreements with Israel relating to the military, intelligence, politics, law, finance, and the media, among other domains that might help its crimes continue, is enabling Israel to commit its atrocities against Palestinians.

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Military Angle: Ending Hamas After 1 Year Wrong

Military expert Maj-Gen Fayez Al-Duwairi said the Israeli army’s talk about needing another year to eliminate the capabilities of Hamas is inaccurate.

He pointed out there is a need to differentiate between the political entity of the Islamic Resistance Movement and its military wing represented by the Al-Qassam Brigades.

Al-Duwairi added on Al Jazeera when the occupation army speaks, it means the military wing of Hamas, stressing that even these brigades cannot be eliminated in the said period.

The military expert described the occupation army’s talk is at best “optimistic.” He pointed to previous Israeli military reports that stated it would take years to achieve this goal.

He emphasized eliminating Al-Qassam will not be an easy task  because it has already succeeded in rebuilding its forces and rotating its power in the last months through the Israeli missiles that were fired on Gaza but didn’t explode, the number of which equal 10 percent and estimated at about 9 tons so far according to Al-Duwairi.

He concluded stopping the firing of missiles from the Gaza Strip towards Israeli cities “will remain out of reach even if the occupation army says otherwise.”

Regarding the occupation army’s talk that the Black Hawk helicopter crashed (reported Wednesday) in Rafah due to technical and/or human malfunction, Al-Duwairi said this does not rule out the military factor.

This is because it crashed at night while transporting a wounded person from a combat zone. He said that the helicopter may have been exposed to gunfire from the resistance, which forced the pilot to act in a way that brought down the plane even if it was not hit.

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Israel Attacks 16 School Shelters in One Month

Israel has escalated its systematic policy of targeting—without warning—schools functioning as shelters for forcibly displaced civilians in the Gaza Strip, killing and wounding hundreds of them. This policy is part of the ongoing genocide that Israel has been waging against Palestinians in the Strip since 7 October 2023.

The Israeli military targeted the Halima al-Sadia School, which provides shelter to hundreds of internally displaced people in Jabalia al-Nazla, in the north of the Gaza Strip, at midnight on Saturday 7 September 2024. The school was bombed by Israeli aircraft, according to the Euro-Med Monitor field team. Four people were killed and several others were injured in the attack.

On Saturday afternoon, Israeli planes then bombed the Amr Ibn al-Aas School, north of Gaza City, which was also housing displaced people. Four Palestinians, including a child, were killed, and several others were injured.

Since the beginning of August, the Israeli occupation army has bombed 16 schools being used as shelters in the Gaza Strip, 15 of them located north of Gaza Valley. Two hundred and seventeen Palestinians have been killed in the reported attacks, while hundreds more have been injured, a large number of casualties being women and children.

In the past week, the Israeli army has increased its targeting of civilians in the Gaza City and North Gaza governorates by bombing residential buildings, civilian gatherings, and commercial stalls there, in addition to shelter centres and their surrounding areas.

There is no legitimate reason to target schools above the heads of displaced individuals, and this act is a blatant violation of the principles of distinction, military necessity, proportionality, and the obligation to exercise appropriate caution. Every time it launches an attack, the Israeli army attempts to justify its actions by claiming that it is attacking military targets, but it never offers any proof to support these assertions.

By killing and forcibly displacing as many Palestinians as possible from their land, these attacks are a part of the genocide being carried out by Israel in the Gaza Strip.

According to preliminary investigations conducted by the Euro-Med Monitor field team, the Israeli army has deliberately destroyed all of the remaining shelters in the north of the Gaza Strip, including schools and public facilities. This destruction has been committed with the goal of establishing a coercive environment, in order to compel the civilian population to leave their neighbourhoods and evacuate to the central and southern sections of the Strip.

Additional evidence of Israel’s clear intention to push Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip is the plan leaked by Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, which published an article claiming that the Israeli army is currently researching options to drive out and displace the remaining Palestinians in the northern Gaza Valley under what is known as the “Generals’ Plan”.

Yedioth Ahronoth pointed to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s conversation with the army about launching a fourth phase of his bloody war, centred on driving out residents of the northern Gaza Strip. This suggests that the plan for forced displacement, which has been in place since the beginning of this genocide—now in its 11th consecutive month—is still in effect, in the absence of any strong international opposition to Israel’s attempt to annihilate the Palestinian people.

The United States and numerous European nations’ complicity in Israel’s horrific crimes against the Palestinian people, particularly in the Gaza Strip, coupled with the international community’s near silence and lack of action to halt the genocide there, is enabling Israel to finalise its plan to exterminate the Palestinian people in large numbers, through forced displacement and direct and indirect killing.

Israel’s bombing strategy reveals a deliberate policy to target Palestinians civilians everywhere in the Gaza Strip; spread fear among them; deny them stability or shelter, even for brief periods of time; force them to evacuate repeatedly; subject them to life-threatening conditions; and ultimately destroy them. The bombing continues throughout the entire Strip, with Israel targeting places designated as humanitarian areas, mainly shelter centres, including those set up in UNRWA-run schools.

As of the time of publication, the Israeli military has been attacking the Gaza Strip for 11 months. During this time, Israel has been carrying out military operations against civilian targets, killing large numbers of civilians in the process. These attacks have also targeting refugee centres, the majority of which were housed in UN buildings, and have killed large numbers of people there, all of which constitutes crimes against humanity, full-fledged war crimes, and genocide.

As part of their international obligations, all nations must put an end to Israel’s crimes of genocide and other serious offenses in the Gaza Strip; safeguard civilians there; ensure Israel abides by international law and the rulings of the International Court of Justice; and impose effective sanctions on Israel by halting all forms of military, financial, and political cooperation and support. This includes an immediate stop to all arms sales, exports, and transfers to Israel, including export licenses and military aid.

All nations that cooperate with Israel in committing crimes must be held accountable, especially those that provide Israel with any kind of direct support or assistance. This includes giving aid and engaging in contractual agreements with Israel relating to the military, intelligence, politics, law, finance, and the media, among other domains that might help its crimes continue.

At the international, regional, and local levels, all possible avenues for accountability must be explored with urgency. This includes serious joint work to activate the path of universal jurisdiction, in order to hold accountable perpetrators of crimes against Palestinian civilians before the national courts of countries where such jurisdiction exists.

The International Criminal Court must act quickly to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Galant; broaden the scope of its investigation into individual criminal responsibility for crimes committed in the Gaza Strip, to include everyone involved; issue warrants for their arrest; hold them accountable; and categorically declare Israel’s ongoing crimes to be genocide.

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor

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Israel’s Two Flawed Plans For Gaza

Military analyst Colonel Hatem Karim Al-Falahi said the appointment of an military governor for the Gaza Strip shows the Israeli army is bent on a new stage of escalation in Gaza.

He added the fourth stage of the war operations announced by the Israeli occupation is built on previous stages; whilst adding the Israeli occupation seeks to work through two plans in the coming stage of the war as per his broadcast on Al Jazeera.

He explained Plan “A” will rely on mobile offensive operations that penetrate areas that the Israeli army has not entered before and will rely on intelligence information for this.

He pointed out there is a major problem in this plan as announced by the Israeli army because it will inevitably “avoid the locations of the prisoners.” He asked incredulously however, If the Israeli army knew where they are why didn’t they get them back.”

As for Plan B, Al-Falahi indicated it depends on moving through the Netzarim and Philadelphi axes and carrying out offensive operations in multiple areas, searching for tunnels and forcing the resistance not to move through continuous monitoring by drones and satellites, in addition to using agents and spies.

The military expert warned that Plan B talks about forcing the residents of north Gaza to move towards the central region via the coastal road within what he called the “Heroes’ Plan”, with the aim of completely evacuating the region to provide opportunities for the Israeli families who were displaced to return to their homes in the border areas outside the Strip.

Al-Falahi pointed out the contradiction and major flaw in Plan A announced by the Israeli occupation is that it deviates from the reality that has already proved that military pressure has not resulted in the return of the prisoners for last 11 months except in coffins.

He said reports confirm that Palestinian resistance groups are still capable of carrying out painful strikes against the occupation after they renewed and reintegrated their battalions and carried on with making more rockets and missiles.

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