Where Are The Missing Kids of Gaza?

The Israeli war on Gaza has been particularly brutal on children. Because of the tempo of destruction many of the children have either been killed or separated from their families.…

UN: Nine Out of 10 in Gaza Displaced

At lease nine out of 10 people in the Gaza Strip are now displaced and have no homes and forced to move around the enclave multiple times. “We are again…

Itzhak Brik  Says Netanyahu is Lying on Gaza

Reserve Israeli general Itzhak Brik is a tireless critic of the government of Benjamin Netanyahu. He says “what is happening in Gaza is a big disgrace. We are losing a…

Houthis Attack Haifa Port

The Yemeni Houthis, Tuesday, said it attacked a “vital” target in Haifa in north Israel with cruise missiles.   The news of the attack which is thought to be on…

Ben-Gvir Investigated! An Israeli Ploy?

Israeli State Prosecutor Amit Aisman is seeking to open a criminal investigation into National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir for allegedly inciting violence against Palestinians in Gaza to show the International…

12 US Officials Quit Over Gaza Policy

Twelve officials in the US government resigned in protest over President Joe Biden’s Gaza policy. They are accusing his administration of complicity in the killing and starvation of Palestinians as…

Israeli Military Generals Demand CEASEFIRE in Gaza

Could the Israeli army be turning against the government of Benjamin Netanyahu? Latest report led by the New York Times show that Israeli military generals want a truce in Gaza.…

Israel Kills Off Gaza Journalists One by One

The latest journalist to be killed in Gaza is Mohammad Abu Sharia. News of his death hikes the number of journalists to be killed by Israeli warplanes and army since…